Elizabeth Street Pier – Hobart Tasmania

Welcome to the TravelQueen site! Are you interested in visiting Tasmania? Do you love cold? Tasmania is forever freezing. I love cold weather. Today, I am going to share one of the top attractions in Tasmania. Please feel free to follow me by click a follow button on my side, give a like my Facebook page, follow my instagram as well as on Twitter 🙂

First day arrive scheduled

I have been visiting Tassie on February 2020 and my first day arrival was on Saturday. The first day arrived trip plan was visiting the Salamanca Market. Salamanca Market is running on every Saturday basis. It is one of the top attractions that travellers must visit. Please find more details about Salamanca Market on my blog tab of my website.

After visiting Salamanca Market, I straight away to check in my Quest houses. I was staying at the quest house. It is a very good accommodation and it is very convenient. After that, I visit the Elizabeth Street Pier, Hobart Tasmania and enjoyed my dinner at the same time. It is like 2 minutes walk from the market to the destination which is very close.

Elizabeth Street Pier is a major street and it is located in Hobart Tasmania. They are very similar with the Fremantle Perth Australia where there is very Western Style shops, fish market, food and beverage stores, harbour front, souvenir shops, Asian restaurant, Elizabeth street mall, cruise tours and many other fun tours.

Showing around the Elizabeth Street

Dinner time at Tassie

Today, i am going to introduce the best and top Western Restaurant in Hobart Tasmania. The restaurant name is called Fish Frenzy. Fish Frenzy is just located in the Elizabeth Street Pier at the main entrance of the harbour. I went there for my dinner after explored and discovered the Port of Hobart. The Fish Frenzy restaurant had lot of different seafood dishes and burgers. I had the fish and chip for my dinner that day. It was very tasty and crispy so i would recommended to you for a try. It is very costly but it worth to get them once in a while.

Most of the people ordered these both dishes in the Fish Frenzy Restaurant. Both are costly but it is good to try out something new at the different places.

If you have any enquiry or concern, please don’t hesitate to contact me or just drop me a comment below. Stay tune on my next blog 🙂

塔州港歷史遺址一日游 – Port Arthur Historic Site

有打算和興趣要來塔州旅行的朋友們,請覌看也可以關注我喔! 這里和大家分享澳大利亚的一日游之旅以及景点! 😊 歡迎來到旅游的璐罔站喲!

亚瑟港歷史遺址– 世界遗产名胜

今天要和大家介紹一個塔州著名的景點。來到塔州這里呢,就是要去這個景点叫做亚瑟港歷史遺址体验。亚瑟港歷史遗址是個独特的地方,這里有着引人入胜的生动歷史、文化遗址和栩栩如生的故事讓人流連忘返。它具有极高的國际地位,是澳洲 11 座入选联合國教科文认定的世界文化遗产的囚犯時期遗址之一。它也是澳洲最受歡迎的旅游目的地之一。歡迎大家來到亚瑟港参覌了解這里的居民和其生動的歷史。



在美國独立战争之后,英國再也不能将自己的囚犯送到美國。因此,在1788 年以后,這些囚犯被送到了澳大利亚殖民地。





但亚瑟港远不仅仅是一座监狱,而是一個完整的社區 — 這里不但居住着軍事人員以及在這里工作的自由定居者,而且還是生产多种资源和材料的工業中心,并且有一個运营的农場。在使用将要结束時,這里還住着大量患有慢性精神病和身体疾病的人,這些人被称為 “乞丐” 和 “疯子”。


今天,亚瑟港歷史遗迹是澳大利亚游客最多的文化遗产景點之一,获得了多項大奖,其中包括在 2008 年、2009 年和 2010 年荣获《澳大利亚美食旅行家杂志》的澳大利亚最佳文化遗产旅游体验的称號。 這一遗迹散布在美丽的花園、公園和自然丛林之中,含有三十多個歷史名胜建筑和廢墟。有些建筑物在十九世纪末的丛林火灾中被部分摧毁,剩下的遗迹使該地有一种阴森而又肃穆的氛围。







亚瑟港是來到澳大利亚的每位游客的必游之地。歷史遗迹位于塔斯曼半岛的塔斯馬尼亚岛州首府霍巴特東南方向大約 100 公里处。這一遗迹风景旖旎,既有充满魅力的遗址,也有富有感染力的传説,讓游客對澳大利亚的歷史和文化获得独特而又難忘的洞察。


在您適合的日子和時間裡,他們確實有很多旅行選擇。 首先,如果您遇到一些語言障礙問題,請不要擔心。 還會有講普通話的人遊覽,這將使您更容易理解。 即使沒有說普通話的人,也會為您提供翻譯。 他們有介紹性的徒步之旅,指揮官的馬車之旅,海港巡遊,亞瑟港逃生之旅,介紹性之旅,死島之旅,幽靈之旅以及超自然之旅。 我將在下面告訴您更多有關價格和套餐的信息,值得擁有這種良好的經驗。

介紹性徒步之旅基於他們的歷史遺跡,他們將向您介紹有關該地點的故事和遺產的更多信息,這非常有趣。 他們將告訴您有關歷史時間表,囚犯,地標和阿瑟港歷史遺址的研究。


  • 出入30多個歷史建筑、遗址及歷史花園等
  • 参与40分鍾的导游講解(可选中文普通話講解)
  • 乘坐25分鍾港灣游輪
  • 参覌亚瑟港展覽馆,在此您可以通過参与互動游戏、覌看陳列品來了解亚瑟港歷史遗址以及在這里生活過的居民

景區内也提供免费摆渡車,為行動不便的人士提供帮助。(摆渡車服务時间:早 10:30 至下午 3:30。夏季服务時间可能延長)

亞瑟港歷史遺址的故事是許多人,地點和時刻的故事。 在其悠久的歷史中,亞瑟港一直是艱辛和懲罰的地方,機會的地方和休閒的地方。 現在,它是澳大利亞最重要的遺產目的地之一,那裡的澳大利亞殖民歷史故事是用石頭和磚頭書寫的。


關於我這次徒步旅行的經歷,我學到了很多東西,例如老一代人以及很久以前人們的生活方式。 他們如何定罪的方式以及老式的地方都很有趣。 有些人可能會像我一樣覺得歷史很無聊,但是我發現這個歷史站點並不像我想像的那樣糟糕,值得在舊時尚故事中進行更多探索和發現。 您會發現有趣的地方,還將學到很多意想不到的新事物,這好酷呀。


港灣游輪导游之旅是一個25分鐘的巡遊,僅向您顯示港口周圍的景色,該港口的美麗以及該港口的歷史。 這次旅行包含在您的網站門票中,非常值得。


還有亞瑟港美術館,您將在這裡學習很多年前的故事。 但是,您應該在畫廊見到很多人。 當您從售票處拿到票時,他們會給您類似的東西,在下面顯示的照片中是一張小卡片,與他們會面並了解他們的背景。

在遊客中心獲得旅遊票後,他們將為您提供發言人卡。 當您進入畫廊時,您需要找到發言人卡上的那個人,然後打開它並閱讀有關此人的故事。 就像是一個非常有趣的遊戲,哈哈……就像我得到了托馬斯·倫皮里爾,我找到了他。 他來自德國,出生於1796年。他曾是一般商人,智利軍官的藝術家。 無論如何,這就像您將要知道的一樣。


當我參觀那裡時,我拿了現場門票,其中包括介紹性徒步旅行和海港巡遊。 我也將回到那裡嘗試另一個遊覽,並且我將分享我的親身經歷,所以請繼續關注。

入門票價格是您從入場費中獲得的收益,有助於阿瑟港歷史遺址的持續保護,解釋和開發。 價格為成人 $40澳元,兒童 $18澳元,家庭 $102澳元(2位成人和最多6個孩子)和優惠票 $32澳元。


從購買之日起兩年內,將您的網站入場券擴展為請假票,並多次返回亞瑟港歷史遺址。 您的請假單可再次進入,包括一般站點條目中包含的所有活動。 成人 $20澳元/家庭 $40 澳元(除了景點門票)。

居民和納稅人通行證–“ R&R通行證”

塔斯曼市的居民和納稅人有資格獲得亞瑟港歷史遺址R&R通行證,該通行證可免費為所有成人納稅人或居民以及最多6個孩子(7-17歲)提供門票。  R&R通行證自簽發之日起有效期為3年,可以續簽。


如何到那呢?  –導航

亞瑟港歷史遺址距離霍巴特有90分鐘的車程,整個旅程為塔斯馬尼亞提供了一些最好的觀光景點。 亞瑟高速公路(Arthur Highway)蜿蜒穿過鬱鬱蔥蔥的農田和森林,迷人的海灘和塔斯曼半島(Tasman Peninsula)著名的風景秀麗的海岸線。 留出足夠的時間沿途停下來,探索諸如 Eaglehawk Neck 的 Tesselated 人行道以及戲劇性的地質特徵(如噴孔,Tasman 拱門和 Devil’s Kitchen)之類的地方。

免費停車 但是,在高峰期,我們的停車場確實會很快填滿。 如果您希望在入口附近固定一個停車位,我們建議您提早到達。 有專門用於旅行車,房車和公共汽車的空間,請在進入現場時尋找標誌。

您可以使用2種選擇。 要么乘坐旅遊巴士,要么租車開車。

當我前往亞瑟港時,我是由 Tassie Tour 運營商前往的。 每天都有一些遊覽巴士在那兒下車,您只能預訂。  Tassie 遊的單程費用為每人 $60澳元。 在我個人的想法,與教練同行總是最好的選擇,這是因為當他們駕車駛下時,他們會在前往亞瑟港的途中掉下一些最好的景點進行探索。

如果您想知道哪個教練是最好的,可以請隨時檢查以下站點。 這對我有很大的幫助,所以這也會對您有幫助喔 🙂


如果您有任何疑問或疑問或需要一些旅行建議,請不要猶豫通過我的instagram 或 facebook 頁面與我聯繫,或在下面發表評論! 加油 🙂

Tasman National Park Lookout – Tasmania

As early blog regarding about the Port Arthur Historic Site, while you are on the way down to that attractions, the tour coach may drop by to this Tasman National Park Lookout for a wonderful view whenever there is enough time. Sometimes when there is enough time, the coach will drop by at the Lavender Farm to have sometime for visit a bit before drive down to the main attraction which is called Port Arthur Historic Site.

Tasman National Park Lookout is a National Park in Eastern Tasmania, Australia, approximately 56 kilometres east of Hobart. The 107.5-square-kilometre park is situated on part of both the Forestier and Tasman peninsulas and encompasses all of Tasman Island.

Tasman National Park Lookout is very populars for its soaring sea cliffs and monumental rock formations, not to mention the nearby World Heritage-listed Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasman National Park is an area of dramatic beauty and natural diversity. The park is situated on the rugged Tasman Peninsula and contains a spectacular coastal environment including soaring 300 metre high dolerite sea cliffs.

The park is home to a wide range of land and marine animals, including the brushtail possum, Australian fur seals, penguins, dolphins and migrating whales. It’s also home to the endangered swift parrot and many forest-dwelling birds. Endangered wedge-tailed eagles and sea eagles can also be seen overhead.

Many striking rock formations along the coastline are easily accessed by car, including Tasman Arch and The Blowhole, two of Tasmania’s most visited attractions, as well as Waterfall Bay, Remarkable Cave and the Tessellated Pavement.

Great views are also found on the park’s many bushwalks. Even a stroll of just an hour or two will bring you to the edge of sheer drops overlooking deep chasms, surging ocean, off-shore islands, white-sand beaches, and a waterfall that tumbles down a sheer cliff face into the sea.

And for those wanting to spend more time in this magnificent environment there’s the Three Capes Track, an independent multi-day walking experience on the Tasman Peninsula. This 46-km journey leads through a myriad of natural landscapes with exhilarating cliff top outlooks on Cape Pillar, Cape Hauy and stunning views to Cape Raoul.

The spectacular dolerite columns and cliffs at the southern end of the park are popular for climbing and abseiling. Sea stacks north of Fortescue Bay, the Candlestick and Totem Pole at Cape Hauy as well as the drops around Mount Brown are used by individual climbers and abseilers as well as tour groups.

There is also a hang gliding launch at Pirates Bay, with landing permitted in a designated area on the beach.

The waters off Pirates Bay, Fortescue Bay, Port Arthur and the Tasman Sea are popular boating destinations with ramps, sheltered waters and good fishing.

The Tasman National Park Lookout had wonderful views of the park and coastline. There were plenty of parking places on the side road and good explanations of what to expect and see in the park.

I do highly recommended people to have some beautiful view while your coach drop by there for the wonderful lookout. Don’t need to worry too much about it if you are going with your coach. But if you hire a car and drive there by yourselves, you must drop by there as well as the Lavender farm to experience the local popular things 🙂

Port Arthur Historic Site – Tasmania

The beautiful of the Port Arthur

Introduction of this Attractions

Port Arthur is a place of national and international significance which is part of the epic story of forced migration and settlement of this country. Port Arthur Historic Site is located on a beautiful harbour at the southern tip of the Tasman Peninsula, almost 100 km south-east of Hobart.

Port Arthur was much more than a prison; it was a complete community, home to convicts, military and civilian officers and their families. The convicts worked at many industries producing goods and services for use locally and to be sold in Hobart and beyond. The military and civilian officers were tasked with security and administration of the settlement.

Before Europeans arrived in the region, the land, its natural resources and abundant waters were utilised by the Pydarerme people of the Paredarerme language group.

Containing more than 30 historic buildings, extensive ruins and beautiful grounds and gardens, the Site has many stories to explore.

By the way, Port Arthur Historic Site is a special place of vivid history, cultural heritage and stories so compelling, you’ll want to hear them again and again. It’s a place of global significance – one of the 11 places that make up the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Australian Convict Sites. And it’s one of Australia’s favourite tourist destinations. Come and discover the real people and living history of Port Arthur Historic Site.

What tour do they have?

They do have a lot of tour option for your suitable days and times. First of all, if you have some languages barrier issues, please don’t worry. There is Mandarin speaker tour as well where would make it easy for you to understand. Even though there is no Mandarin speaker, there will have interpreter for you. They have intro walking tour, Commandant’s Carriage Tour, Habour Cruise, Escape from Port Arthur Tour, Introductory Tour, Isle of the Dead Tour, Ghost Tour as well as Paranormal Tour. I will tell you more about the prices and the packages available in the following and it is worth to have this sort of good experience.

Intro walking tour is based on their history site and they will introduce you more about the story and heritage around the site which is pretty interesting. They will tell you about the history timeline, the convicts, the landmarks and research of the Port Arthur History Site.

Your site entry ticket gives you two consecutive days to explore and enjoy Port Arthur Historic Site’s many sites, tours and activities including:

  • access to more than 30 historic buildings, ruins, restored houses, heritage gardens and walking trails,
  • a 40-minute, guided Introductory Walking Tour,
  • 25-minute Harbour Cruise,
  • entry to the Port Arthur Gallery, which includes interactive exhibits and displays that tell the story of the Port Arthur Historic Site and its people.

The story of the Port Arthur Historic Site is a story of many people, places and moments. Over its long history, Port Arthur has been a place of hardship and punishment, a place of opportunity, and a place of leisure. Now it is one of Australia’s most important heritage destinations, where the story of Australia’s colonial history is written in stone and brick.

Visit them to meet some of the people who have passed through this place, walk where their stories unfolded, and learn about Port Arthur’s evolution from a feared convict settlement to a World Heritage-listed Historic Site and world-class tourist destination.

Regarding to my experience with this into walking tour, I have learn so many thing such as the old generation and how the people long time ago lifestyle looked like. The way how they convicts as well as the old fashion places which is pretty interesting. Some people may find history is very boring just like me but I find this history site is not as bad as what I thought of and it is worth to go to have some explore and discovery more in the old fashion story. You will find interesting and you will also learn lot of unexpected new things which is pretty cool.

Habour Cruise Tour is a 25 minutes cruising which is just showing you around the Port and how beautiful is this port as well as the history of this port. This tour is included in your site entry ticket which is pretty worth.

You will see lot of this history sign around the history site as well where you could take some information about it and recap what you have learn from this tour.

What else could explore after the tour?

There is the Port Arthur gallery as well where you will learn the story of many year ago. However, there will have lot of people you should have meet from the gallery. When you get your ticket from the ticket counter, they will give you something like this which is a small card in the photos shown following to meet this people and learn about their background.

When you go into the gallery, you will need to find the person that you got on the card then open it and read about this person story. It is just like a game which is very fun lolol….Like i got Thomas Lempriere and I found him. He is original from Germany and he born on year 1796. He was an artist of general Merchant, Chil Officer. Anyway, this is something like what you will know.

Ticket and cost?

When I visit there, i took the site entry ticket which is just included the intro walking tour and the harbour cruise tour. I will going back there to try another tour as well and I will share my person experiences so stay tune here.

Site Entry ticket prices is the proceeds from your admission fee contribute to the ongoing conservation, interpretation and development of the Port Arthur Historic Sites. The prices are Adult $40, Child $18, Family $102 (2 adults and up to 6 children) and Concession $32.

Ticket of Leave – Two Year Pass

Extend your site entry ticket to a Ticket of Leave, and return to Port Arthur Historic Site as many times as you like, for two years from the date of purchase. Your Ticket of Leave re-entry includes all activities included in the general site entry. Adult $20 / Family $40 (additional to site entry cost).

Resident and Ratepayer Pass – “R&R Pass”

Residents and ratepayers of the Tasman Municipality are eligible for a Port Arthur Historic Site R&R Pass which provides free site entry for all adult ratepayers or residents and up to 6 children (aged 7-17 years of age).  R&R passes are valid for 3 years from the date of issue and can be renewed.

An R&R Pass must be applied for in-person at the Port Arthur Historic Site Visitor Centre and requires proof that the applicant is a ratepayer or resident.

How to get there? – Navigation

Port Arthur Historic Site is a 90-minute drive from Hobart, and the journey offers some of the best sightseeing in Tasmania. The Arthur Highway winds through lush farmland and forest, inviting beaches and the Tasman Peninsula’s famously scenic coastline. Allow enough time to stop along the way and explore places like the Tesselated Pavement at Eaglehawk Neck, and dramatic geological features such as the Blowhole, Tasman Arch and Devil’s Kitchen.

Free parking is provided; however, during peak periods our carpark does fill up quickly.  We recommend you arrive early if you wish to secure a parking bay close to the entrance.  There are dedicated spaces for caravans, motor homes and buses please look for the signs as you enter the site.

There is 2 options that you can get there with. They are either by tour buses or hire a car to drive down.

When I travel down to the Port Arthur, I went there by Tassie Tour operator. There is some tour buses going down there daily and you can book only. It costs $60 per person for both way with Tassie tour. In my person opinion, travel down with coach always the best, it is because while they drive down, they will drop-by some best attractions for the explore and view while on the way down to the Port Arthur which is pretty good.

If you want to know which coach will be the best, please do feel free to check this following site out. It’s help me a lot so this will help you too 🙂


Tasman National Park Lookout

I will share more about this on my next blog as this is the new topic lolol. Stay Tuned! 😉

If you have any concern or enquiries or need some travel advice, please don’t feel hesitate to contact me via my instagram or facebook pages or drop by comments below 🙂